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    MOD005248 Research Project Study Level 3

    Task 1

    1.1 Formulate and record possible research project outline specifications

    A well-crafted research project specification is crucial for developing a robust study that yields effective and efficient outcomes. Properly outlining specific criteria is essential for a successful project, facilitating thorough investigation and research (Abubakar and Ilkan, 2016). This specification serves as a blueprint for future reference, ensuring that every aspect is addressed accurately, leading to optimal results.

    The research project outline should include key considerations such as aims and objectives, methodology, and rationale for selection. Before initiating the study, it is important to meticulously document these components to ensure each attribute is thoroughly addressed (Edelman, Jaffe, and Kominers, 2016).

    This project is based on influence of technology on travel and tourism sector industry because with expansion of technology number of tourist is getting expand day after day. This study is based and include about aspect of Wexas Tourism whom are one of a major tourist agency in UK and provide better quality services in frame as well. Thus, they want to determine about impact of modern marketing or digital marketing for attracting wide range of tourist. Thus, to organise this study, influence of technology get underpin by management for enhancing travel and tourism sector:


    “To determine the impact of digital marketing technique on attracting various tourist – A case study on Wexas Tourim”


    • To identify the impact of digital marketing on business activities of Wexas Tourism
    • To analyse the role of digital marketing on attracting tourist
    • To measure the aspect of relationship between digital marketing and attracting various tourist

    Research Questions

    • What will be the impact of digital marketing on operations of Wexas Tourism?
    • What is a role of digital marketing on attracting tourist for Wexas Tourism?
    • Which are the measure of aspect in evaluation relationship between digital marketing and attracting various tourist?

    1.2 Identify the factors that contribute to the process of research project selection

    A process for selecting the project is not easy in frame and for a study it is really essential to determine major factors which contribute in research project selection. Thus, all such considerations is really essential to estimate properly so that a better and define project get evaluated and approach as well (Giaoutzi, 2017). This result in proclaiming beneficial aspect so that skills could be improved as well as knowledge get enhance in better manner. Thus following are certain number of factors which contribute in selecting this project “The influence of technology in the travel and tourism sector” which clearly enable in learning new and digitalise marketing concept better in crafting suitable relationship with clients.

    • Benefits: One of a central point which empower and bolster in inquire about venture determination would be advantage. It is extremely fundamental for specialist to decide about advantages and significance which get drawn by such task. Accordingly, with expansion of technology, it is extremely basic to decide about impact of modern marketing on motivating tourist to visit certain places in more appropriate and signified manner.
    • Objectives: Another aspect or consideration which is related with future where researcher need to assess real target of points (Huang and et. al., 2016). At that point from characterize themes, one of a best one which reflect better future related goal get translate in appropriate way. This bring about broadcasting clear result in nature so better venture get chose. Thus, out of various aspect, theme related with involvement of digital technology on travel and tourism get assess proper and in better frame so that supportive results could get revealed.
    • Feasibility of project: Another perspective which need to evaluate and comprehend would be attainability to verify that such task will wind up fruitful in residency or not. This connote and empower in characterizing that such ventures require to pick which have bring down hazard in nature with the goal that every one of its fundamentals get satisfy in characterize casing of way.

    1.3 Undertake a critical review of key references

    Literature review is a aspect in which various scholars attribute get included properly. In a project, scholars attribute requires to include properly in a project so that better and determined outcome get underpin. This is a kind of secondary source of information for the project which enable and support in defining each and every aspect properly. Thus, this literature review get done on the basis of objectives which craft for the theme of influence of technology on travel and tourism sector. This result in claiming and understanding the concept better and in future course of frame as well. Thus, below is a literature review for the project in a define manner of course:

    Identify the impact of digital marketing on business activities of Wexas Tourism

    On the basis of Kuo and Chuang (2016), marketing has changed over a time where new and appropriate consideration lead to include in it for gaining and determining better customer base. It is really essential to determine the impact of marketing on business activities so that define strategies could be facilitate in order to gain competitive advantage.

    As per the view point of Pappas (2016), in modern business sense, marketing getting modify which facilitate and option to made business differ from others. This statement clearly signify that digital marketing enable and support management to transform their operations properly so that effective and beneficial gain could be estimate.

    Hence, it is a duty of marketing manager of Wexas Tourism to determine the impact of utilising digital marketing on business activities properly so that better assessment of working get done. Following are certain number of consideration which used to include in project for Wexas tourism so that determination of impact of digital marketing on business activities get done and evaluated:

    • One of a major impact of digital marketing is associated with reaching to the target audiences. It is really essential for a company to spend their money on digital marketing rather than print media because it is much affordable in range as well as evaluation become possible to analyse the number of viewers. Thus, this will enhance goodwill and welfare of a company in define course of manner.
    • It support in reach wide number of individuals properly because digital marketing take place at globalised level where chances to look upon on diverse section is easy. Thus, management need to determine this factor properly as well so that they could target better individual as well as become able to assess their needs and wants properly.

    Analyse the role of digital marketing on attracting tourist

    As per the aspect of Ryan (2016), digital marketing facilitate not only retail companies but it also support the travel and tourism industry. Thus, for management, it is highly required to understand and estimate the role of digital marketing on attracting tourist. Now, tourism become more modify in frame where each and every aspect is required to understand better. Thus, the role of digital marketing on attracting tourist are describe as follow:

    • A major thing or consideration of digital marketing would be related with booking. Now, business really required to launch their application so that tourist would select place properly and book tickets online. This role require to play by digital marketing because demonstration of places get done through digital marketing medium.
    • Another thing which get done through digitalisation is on board. Many of the individuals want to connect with their friends and family even not in net work range. For this aspect, on board facilities start providing by companies so that their clients get entertain all the time and they could use media library seamlessly without any wire connection.
    • Digital marketing enable and support business associations like Wexas to provide proper information about the place where guest want to visit. This result them in gaining trust of their clients so that they could deliver better and effective services as well as chances of searching places at course of time could be secure and move to some other consideration better.

    Measure the aspect of relationship between digital marketing and attracting various tourist

    On the aspects of So and et. al., (2016), travel and tourism industry is getting related with digital technology due to prevailing modernisation. It is really important and essential to understand the relationship or importance of digital marketing for travel and tourism industry so that better and beneficial working get done. Wexas Tourism have to evaluate relationship between digital marketing in tourism sector so that better and determined outcome could be resource in gaining effectiveness and efficiency:

    • In travel and tourism sector, digital marketing is become important just because of enhancing number of mobile users (Strauss and Frost, 2016). This relationship between mobile users and tourism sector define that with passing course of time, users become digitalise where they preview companies through online medium and search places to visit as well. This describe a positive relationship between tourism industry and digitalisation of marketing.
    • Another relationship get evaluated in form of social media with travelling individuals. Wexas Tourism have to evaluate this thing properly where they require to launch their pages on social media sites which further enables in attracting maximum number of customers so that better and determined outcome would get accomplish in beneficial manner.

    1.4 Produce a research project specification

    A research project have certain number of specifications which are really essential to underpin properly so that beneficial and effective gain could be assess with the help of Global assignment help Australia. These project specifications includes and define about certain number of consideration which are reflected and define as follow:

    • Identification of topic: The very first specification of the project define and include about determination of topic for which study will going to organise. It is important to evaluate and select appropriate topic on which whole project will used to conclude about so that effective and efficient results get estimate proper and better. On the basis of provided theme it lead to describe about influence of technology on travel and tourism sector so that better assessment get done (Tussyadiah and Pesonen, 2016).
    • Literature review: The next attribute would be literature review in which various scholars view points would get included. For estimating better and determined outcome in nature of frame, it is essential to include certain scholars and authors view points better so that a study lead to reach its extent. Thus, for identifying influence of technology on travel and tourism various authors aspect used to get included for completing the project criteria.
    • Methodology: This related with determination of approach and methods which enable and support in deriving beneficial aspect (Xu and et. al., 2016). For defining a study, various methods get estimate which really need to assess and understand proper so that determined and supportive relevance outcome and result get assess in better manner. Thus, various methods get disseminate for this project like questionnaire, sampling, primary source of data, qualitative study etc. All these are certain methodology get underpin for this project so that better and determined collection of data get done.
    • Datacollection and analysis: Another aspect or specification for the project would be data collection and analysis. It is really important to gather information from various sources so that relevant working get done as well as better understanding of information get perform. This result in claiming and assessing suitable outcome in nature of frame for relative efficiency.

    1.5 Provide an appropriate plan and procedures for the agreed research specification

    A project concludes and define certain plan and procedure better so that agreed specification of study get done. Thus, for each and every project, there is a need to include certain aspects and consideration properly with appropriate time scale so that better and efficient outcome get assess in define time manner. This result in performing each and every activity better so that define outcome would get accomplish and achieve in limited time period.

    For every project, there are mainly two aspect and attribute for completing the project to extent which are Gantt chart and Critical path system. Thus, for understanding and completing project on time, major consideration which are define and signify as follow for determining influences of technology on travel and tourism are stated and describe as follow:

    • Gantt chart: One of a major tool for managing time schedule for the project is Gantt Chart. It is a one of source through which various activities of the project get divided among various aspects and consideration (Zervas, Proserpio and Byers, 2017). It define starting date with ending time as well as time duration in which project used to get completed. Thus, Gantt Chart is helpful in dividing various activities and consideration better so that whole study get completed on define time duration for the project.
    • Critical Path System: Another aspect and tool through which project get completed with minimum time duration is critical path system. In a study, critical path system enables and define shortest time duration for the project in which it used to get execute and take place better.

    Qualitative and quantitative are the two major methods that can be used by a researcher to complete the research. Qualitative research method is used in present research and the main reason behind this is that it helps research in carry out an in depth analysis of research topic. This supports in study all relevant areas of research topic which support in researcher in draw valid conclusion. Primary and secondary are the two major methods of data collection. Researcher collect and analyse the book and relevant articles for collect related with the main topic of research. While in primary method of data collection researcher collect fresh and up to date information as this help in provide clear picture of research topic. Further, with this investigator can draw valid conclusion that serve for the future purpose of

    research. Researcher has promised to keep the personal information of respondents private.

    Task 2

    2.1 Match resources efficiently to the research question or hypothesis

    For a successful study, it is essential to include and estimate certain resources properly so that efficient and effective results get drawn properly. Hence, to met with agreed research questions and hypothesis, it is really essential to determine and include appropriate resources so that define outcome get assess properly. Thus, to met with criteria of this theme project of influence of digital technology on travel and tourism, certain resources are describe and evaluated as follow:

    • First resource is related with time base consideration. Although, one of a major resource is related with time value where research question would met properly when each and every aspect get done in determined frame. This time based resource is essential while working on a project so that beneficial results get estimate properly.
    • Another resource which associated with the project would be related with information consideration. These define as such major aspects which enable and support in gathering data from various sources like books, journals, articles, questionnaire distribution. All these resources enable in collecting information so that research question and hypothesis would met with criteria standard.

    All these resources need to consider properly and define in determine manner so that all research questions and hypothesis would met with appropriate standard and consideration effectively.

    2.2 Undertake the proposed research investigation in accordance with the agreed specification and procedure

    Proposed look into examination need to get finished in characterize course of way. It is extremely basic to draw and embrace different thought of the venture in account with the goal that better and characterize course of way complete. Based on concurred technique and detail, for the most part two noteworthy wellsprings of thought requires to see appropriately with the goal that advantageous and reasonable result could be attracted which result better concerning result. Hence, such parts of study are connected with:

    Primary Consideration: One of a noteworthy thought for the undertaking is essential one where all sort of new and common assets going to incorporate into the venture. It is extremely basic to draw and incorporate such angles and thought in account which empower and bolster in characterizing different properties appropriately. Subsequently, essential thought empower in overseeing angles and property of the investigation in better and decided way of casing with the goal that helpful and viable result get drawn. This bring about declaring advantageous and viable casing in way.

    Secondary Consideration: Another thought of the undertaking would be connected with optional ones where books, diaries and other sort of sources get incorporated into the task. Consequently, such thought likewise requires to consider so better and clear result could be attracted edge of way to derive powerful result and met with concurred methodology and determination in characterize way.

    2.3 Record and collate relevant data where appropriate

    A information is important to include and define in the project for better manner so that supportive and suitable enhancement of execution study get done. Thus, for collecting data through various sources, it is highly required to include relevant data and collate it properly so that effective judgement would use to carried down. This questionnaire is based on influence of digital technology on travel and tourism sector so that beneficial and supportive results get estimate for long period of course. This study used to get articulate from Wexas Tourism whom used to deliver and provide better services to their clients so that effective and efficient results get estimate for long period of course.






    Q1 Do you think digital marketing facilitate better growth towards business?

    · Yes

    · No

    Q2 What will be the future consideration of digital marketing on business activities?

    · Positive

    · Negative

    Q3 Which is a most appropriate digital marketing tool for Wexas Tourism?

    · Facebook

    · Twitter

    · Instagram

    Q4 Do you find it easy to book ticket online via digital marketing consideration?

    · Yes

    · No

    Q5 Does social media tools influence the operation of travel sector?

    · Yes

    · No

    Q6 Will this technique modify the business area world in more appropriate manner?

    · Agree

    · Disagree

    Q7 Does this approach enable in retain maximum number of customers for long period of growth?

    · Yes

    · No

    Q8 Will this aspect continue for more period of course due to enhancing mobile users?

    · Yes

    · No

    Q9 What rating will you provide to the offered products and services of travel industry?

    · Excellent

    · Good

    · Average

    · Poor

    Q10 Provide recommendation by which firms can maximise their sales and profitability ratios?

    This is a information creation for the Wexas Tourism which enable and support in defining each and every respondent opinion better. For this context, various sampling methods get evaluated like random sampling, cluster sampling. For this project, random sampling method would be utilise where 20 respondents opinion get disseminate for the project in order to analyse aspects better and in effective manner as well. This will support in estimating the facts and consideration better and in effective manner.

    Theme 1: Digital marketing facilitate better growth towards business






    Theme 2: Future consideration of digital marketing on business activities






    Theme 3: Most appropriate digital marketing tool for Wexas Tourism








    Theme 4: Easy way to book ticket online via digital tool






    Theme 5: Social media tools influence the operation of travel sector






    Theme 6: Technique modify the business area world in more appropriate manner






    Theme 7: Approach enable in retain maximum number of customers for long period of growth






    Theme 8: Aspect continue for more period of course due to enhancing mobile users






    Theme 9: Rating will you provide to the offered products and services of travel industry










    Task 3

    3.1 Use appropriate ‘research evaluation techniques’ with appropriate type of evaluation is appropriate

    There are various research evaluation techniques are interpret which enable and support in analysing information properly so that effective understanding for project get done. It is really required to implement and determine one of a major and beneficial technique to organise study better so that suitable outcome could get underpin. Thus, for evaluating the study, major techniques to evaluate the aspects would be related and define as follow for the influence of digital marketing on travel and tourism sector:

    • Formative Assessment: This examination technique assess the thing formally and precisely in up and coming circumstances for moulding the future result. This get done via questionnaire which organise in professional and formal manner so that each and every consideration get assess in determined manner. This result in gaining suitable and effective outcome in nature of frame of manner.
    • Summative Assessment: The significant point is to outline and delineate the angles that emerge after the direction and reasonable according to the nature. This assessment work as a blueprint for the study so that determined aspects would get evaluated properly. This evaluation technique includes about Gantt Chart and critical path system whom are also work as methodology for the project.

    An exploration technique ought to be more developmental in nature for accomplishing the result in more reasonable strategies and styles inside certain day and age.

    3.2 Interpret and analyse the results in terms of the original research specification

    Theme 1: Digital marketing facilitate better growth towards business

    Theme 1: Digital marketing facilitate better growth towards business






    Interpretation: Wexas Tourism needs to implement and determine marketing facilities of business and need to implement digital marketing strategies properly. This enable management to gain growth so that optimum performance of operations would get done in suitable and define manner.

    Theme 2: Future consideration of digital marketing on business activities

    Theme 2: Future consideration of digital marketing on business activities






    Interpretation: Another aspect before implementing any commencing strategy is future consideration. Business need to implement and determine future aspect properly and evaluated that digital marketing will reflect positive attribute on business activities which enable in gaining and deriving maximum return outcome in frame of manner.

    Theme 3: Most appropriate digital marketing tool for Wexas Tourism

    Theme 3: Most appropriate digital marketing tool for Wexas Tourism








    Interpretation: On the basis of define graph and chart, it get identify that Instagram and Twitter are beneficial marketing tool. They both enable in reaching maximum number of customers so that define outcome could get assess properly. Thus, Wexas could utilise both of them in better and define manner of frame properly.

    Theme 4: Easy way to book ticket online via digital tool

    Theme 4: Easy way to book ticket online via digital tool







    Interpretation: Many individuals found that online booking is most convenient aspect for the enhancement. Thus, it found that booking of tickets getting and become easy in manner where Wexas used to launch their application so that they are going to facilitate and provide platform to each and every individual in order to book tickets.

    Theme 5: Social media tools influence the operation of travel sector

    Theme 5: Social media tools influence the operation of travel sector






    Interpretation: On the basis of presented graphs and charts, it clearly found that social media techniques are helpful in order to made operations better. It is really important for Wexas to launch and evaluate importance of social media tools in order to reach wide range of customers. This result in proclaiming beneficial aspects in nature of frame for future and growth of association.

    Theme 6: Technique modify the business area world in more appropriate manner

    Theme 6: Technique modify the business area world in more appropriate manner







    Interpretation: Although, it really determine and interpret that business needs more adequate and appropriate functioning with better marketing techniques. Hence, digital technique is helpful in order to modify the business area properly so that effective assessment of operations get done. Wexas Tourism have to estimate this digitalisation marketing concept better so that efficient results get drawn.

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    Theme 7: Approach enable in retain maximum number of customers for long period of growth

    Theme 7: Approach enable in retain maximum number of customers for long period of growth






    Interpretation: Digital marketing is appropriate and helpful for business where they could made exciting and better advertisement. Along with this, they also provide discount vouchers etc. so that appropriate customer base could made which support in retaining various clients better.

    Theme 8: Aspect continue for more period of course due to enhancing mobile users

    Theme 8: Aspect continue for more period of course due to enhancing mobile users







    Interpretation: Mobile users getting multiply with each and every course of time, thus, digital marketing will benefits them in long period of course so that suitable assessment of working get done. Thus, Wexas could take and perform each and every thing in better and determined manner of course.

    3.3 Make recommendations and justify areas for further consideration

    On the basis of gather information, there are certain number of recommendation and suggestions get interpret better. It is really essential to draw valid and effective consideration in frame which further enables in drawing effective outcome in nature.For those seeking assignment help, these insights can be particularly valuable. Thus, Wexas required to improve certain aspects and frame properly so that they could implement digital marketing platform better and in determined manner. Thus, following are certain areas which need more focus and suitable aspect to evaluate as well:

    • The first thing on which Wexas Tourism have to determine and work upon would be ticket booking. It is really essential for company to made their clients aware about such consideration and guide them as well. This enable and support them to book tickets online which reduce paper work as well.
    • Another factor on which management have to work is to retain customers. This is recommend to management to implement and define digital marketing properly so that maximum number of customers would get retain into business venture again which further facilitate in drawing signified options in nature of frame for more effectiveness and efficiency.

    These are certain recommendations which have to work upon by Wexar Tourism so that they could maintain and facilitate better position in desire market world properly.

    Task 4

    4.1 Use of appropriate and agreed source of technique for delivering information to audiences


    • Abubakar, A. M. and Ilkan, M., 2016. Impact of online WOM on destination trust and intention to travel: A medical tourism perspective.Journal of Destination Marketing & Management. 5(3). pp.192-201.
    • Edelman, B., Jaffe, S. and Kominers, S.D., 2016. To groupon or not to groupon: The profitability of deep discounts.Marketing Letters. 27(1). pp.39-53.
    • Giaoutzi, M., 2017.Tourism and regional development: New pathways. Routledge.
    • Huang, Y. C. and et. al., 2016. Exploring the implications of virtual reality technology in tourism marketing: An integrated research framework.International Journal of Tourism Research. 18(2). pp.116-128.
    • Kuo, M. S. and Chuang, T. Y., 2016. How gamification motivates visits and engagement for online academic dissemination–An empirical study.Computers in Human Behavior. 55. pp.16-27.
    • Pappas, N., 2016. Marketing strategies, perceived risks, and consumer trust in online buying behaviour.Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 29. pp.92-103.
    • Ryan, D., 2016.Understanding digital marketing: marketing strategies for engaging the digital generation. Kogan Page Publishers.
    • So, K. K. F. and et. al., 2016. The role of customer engagement in building consumer loyalty to tourism brands.Journal of Travel Research. 55(1). pp.64-78.
    • Strauss, J. and Frost, R. D., 2016.E-marketing: Instructor's Review Copy. Routledge.

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